This is a freeform advanced photography class spanning 4 weeks. This course is different every time it is offered BUT each time it will push you into areas of photography you may have never considered exploring. The goal of this course is to keep you growing and can be taken multiple times by students who desire a group learning and critique environment. The main topics consist of black-and-white photography and portraiture.
Event Details
Advanced Photography @ The Arts Center of The Capital Region
Click here to get directions from Google Maps (this link opens in a new tab).
Day 1: April 10, 2024
Day 2: April 17, 2024
Day 3: April 24, 2024
Day 4: May 01, 2024
Start time:
06:00 p.m.EST
End time:
09:00 p.m.EST
Venue: The Arts Center of the Capital Region, 265 River St. Troy, NY 12180
Coordinates: 42.7320° N, 73.6915° W
Phone: (518) 273-0552